1990 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 88 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 142

_t's not exactly everyone's cup of tea, • but for the 85 students involved with the Army Resetve Officers' Training Corps on campus the program offers more than the chance for scholarship opportuniUesand6a.m. work· outs, ~It gives the cadets a chance to leam leadership traits, a chance to to get out and do a lot of physical ac· tivities and there are many social aspects involved, too, said ROTC Assistant Professor Major David Pollard. The ROTC combInes military classes with summer training. The traditional four-year program includes basic instructional classes for the first two years. After the third year, cadets attend Camp Challenge where they aregraded numencally. Cadets with higher scores are looked at more favora· bly when decisions about army branches are made. Pollard said that over the last six year University of Idaho cadets have placed in the top third of those com· pleting the advanced camp training. '"1bat IS really something to be proud of, Pollard said. An annual noat tnp down the Salmon River, repelling exercises and the Military Ball are some of the events planned by senior cadets that all enJoy. ~Real friendships are fonned through all the ac· livilies that are planned and with the cadets working so closely together,~ Pollard said. The cadets benefit from the leadership traits they have leamed and the vanety of training programs offered. "No matter whatever they end up doing after graduation, they've got those lead· ershlp qualities and that's what attracts people to the program,w Pollard said. W


138 Army ROTC

Chrisman Raiders

CIuUID&D Ralden. PTont Row - SFC . 1 . - Gordon. Ste'f'e B1achloe, IIaDk Smith, lI1Ile Ferris, Briaa Brewwer, Will Neal. Jon Ilurls, John Bredon. keoDd. Row - Bob KoreskJ, Guy James, John 1lI.aJb1e. SteYe BoPPlntuclDer. James DaIIT. RandT ADdenon. Tblrd Ro.. -Lori DeLol"llle. Su.e Bro,:bten. Todd IIcCW"I'J", SteTe IDocb.

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