1988 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 86 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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TWo plus two equals four. Right. However, thirteen (ASUI senators plus one Ul math de· partment chairman equals one liberal arts math propos· at. The ASUI Math Forum, or· gani.zed by ASUI Senator Lynn Major, gave appr oximately 250 students and administra· tors an opportunity to ques· tion an 86-87 school year 32 percent failure rate, common final policies and the Math 50 course. Questioning of the ap· plication of core math classes after college for non-scientific majors led Dr. James Clavert, math department chairman, to propose a liberal arts core math class despite previously denouncing the idea. " This was a course 1 proposed a year ago. and they said they had no need for it." Major said. Suggestions made by the students included a common final system similiar to the Bi· ology 100 course eliminating the current problem of differ· ent teaching styles and ex· tending the Math 50 course to two semesters while dropping the $90 fee. Senators also focused their efforts against State Board of Education proposals increase fees. Unlike Boise State Uni· versity and Le\Yis·Ciark State

College students, Vandals uti· lized the services of Jeff Friel. ASUI Lobbyist. traveled to the legislative meetings in ASUI provided vehicles and partici· pated in a postcard-writing campaign. Their efforts ted to the death of controversal Senate Bill $1313. The bill was de· signed to consolidate the state's universities' and col· leges· building project debts. Student fees would have guar· anteed the bonds to finance the building improvements. once again placing the burden of a college education on the shoulders of the students. " University of Idaho stu· dents have both the gumption and determination to stop fee increases:· Brad Cuddy. 1988 ASUI President said. "And we (ASUI Seante} have every in· tention of continuing to provide the means for students to actively oppose any detrimen· tal fee proposals... The Senators also had the gumption to declare several " awareness weeks'' dealing with vital information they felt imperative to the students. " Sexual Health Week'' ori· ginally proposed by 1987 ASUI President Brian Long oc· curred in February sponsored by the Student Advisory Ser· vices (SAS). Long. in coopera·

tion with SAS. devised an edu· cational approach to prevent/ reduce sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted preg· nancies within the campus and community. The impact of an AIDS Tete· Conference Satellite Broad· cast from the Student Union Building. speeches. lectures, seminars and during the week was felt by an increase of visits at the Student Health Center, according to Dr. Robert Leon· ard. director of the Student Health Center. The ASUI Voter Registration Week in March was extended to 1:\vo weekS due to the more than active interest showed by students. Students were en· couraged to register at on· campus sites or vote absen· tee, whether it be in the Ul dis· trict or at home. " We removed one of the obstacles in the way of students by making access to register· ing easier," said Tina Kag i, ASUI Senator and coordinator of the week. " We registered over 500 students... The year rounded out with a " Date Rape Awareness Week" in April featuring film presen· tations, living group visits and a radio talk show. Overall, ASUI Senator Jon Erickson said " it was a very productive semester for the Senate. We got a lot done...

The stress of the election got to presi dential ca n d idate Norm Sam anko about 10:30 p. m . e lecti o n day. As he stretched out on the lnforma· tion desk, the election forcast a dismal evening. (Sk ip Per· ry}





The campaign didn't stop when the candidates left cam· pus. Mike Gotch earned extra money as an entertainer at Mark IV's lounge. Senator Robert Watson joined Gotch at the keyboard for some night time ca m paigning. (Steph Worley) A smile of s u ccess wen t across Scott Car ters face when the final results came in, who served in the ASUI senate for one year before runn ing for Vice President. (Skip Perry)

Dave Pei te. a student union m anager was faced with a bar· rage of phone calls fro m people wanting election results. (Skip Perry)

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