1987 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 85 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 10

Holiday Handcrafts For the Chrlstmu season, the College of Art and Architecture held a ceramics sale. Sales were brisk according to Jeri Stewart, who manned the booth with the help of Jim Montz and other art maj ors. (Dahlquist)

Lapping It Up Pressing S.nta for details, Delta Tau Deltas Jim Hlavacek, Steve GrHn, Craig Knots and Steve Clardy utilized the jolly old elf's presence at Palouse Empire Mall to ask for more than just two front tHth. (Dahlquist)


Sing in the Season The Chamber Choir provided a musical diversion during dead wHk on the step of the Administration Building. Alec Hurt, Dwlna Howle, Karen Lechner, Liane Hyer and Alane Olson tried to kHp students' holiday spirits from dying. (Morgan)

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