1986 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 84 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 33


ittle whores and whoremongers," Jed said accusingly. pointing to the bristling crowd of about 100. Brother Jed and Sister Cindy Smock had harsh words for students enjoying the sunshine in front of the library. The message - most college students live in sin, and are hell-bound if they do not change their self-centered lives and tum to God. The husband and wife team visited the UI and Washington State University in late March as part of a cross-country college campus tour to bring their brand of Christianity to students. But at the UI. Christians and non-believers alike were skeptical, if not down-right hostile. "You're a hyprocrite and a jerk," Skip Barrett told Brother Jed. The Smock's almost comical evangelistic style was targeted for the college audience. Jed shouted the parable of five dormies who love their fornication despite the risk of "STD" (sexually transmitted diseases). Audience participation is one of the professed former sinners' most successful aids. In the tale of Horny Harry and Rock n ¡ Roll Rhonda, Jed said, "Rhonda likes to ... " the audience and Jed said in unison "FORN-I-CATE." Their technique of name calling is a method used to shock people out of their apathy, Smock said. Most students were just shocked. "He's making a total mockery of Christianity," said Michelle Carter. "He justs seems to be doing this to get attention. It doesn't have anything to do with Christianity." 0 Polntmc ftncers.

In his twenty minute mlniMrlllOil, Brother Jed biDowed

ltrOftlw............ the "evils" of



clrlnldnc ............ drup. Jed

.nd his wife, sa.ter Cindy. were on a nationwide ulv• tlon tour of collepe end mdvenltleL



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