1986 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 84 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 153

H eart and t is perhaps ironic. but Idaho"s most listened-to personality never a ttended the UI. In fact. he"s a graduate of one the UI"s most bitter rivals - Washington State University. Yet despite the fact Vandal sports announcer Bob Curtis graduated from WSU. he's been the heart and voice of the Vandals since 1956. "It's really nice to be recognized," Curtis said. "It's nice when people on the street come up to you and talk to you as though you· d known them for 100 years." And being recognized on the airwaves has not been a problem for the veteran announcer. Curtis, whose distinct announcing style is known throughout the state, based his play-by-play patter on three broadcasters he listened to as a child: Bill Stern, Ted Husing and "Red" Barber. "Stern had a p;reat flare for the dramatics," be said. "And Husing was by far the best. He's the one I tried to pattern myself after." Curtis· notoriety, however. did not come overnip;ht. After graduating from WSU in 1947. he worked as a regional sportscaster for Associated Oil broadcasting both WSU and UI games. But since 1956, the Colfax native has broadcast every Vandal football game played. He described literally thousands of plays to people


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listening to hear every one of his descriptions. But that's only half of the story. Because in addition to announcing UI football games for 30 seasons, Curtis also described Vandal basketball games for an equal length of time. Curtis witnessed many changes in the course of Vandal athletics over the last 30 years. He announced games during the tenures of eight head football and basketball coaches. But through all of the turmoil that came with a major college's athletic prolistening "all up and down the gram, Curtis managed to steer Vandals' sports network." clear of any trouble. "I've never really figured "Anytime you've worked at out how many games I've an- a place for a long time you're nounced." the 60-year-old bound to make some enemies. Curtis said. "but between After you 've worked at a place 1956-1985, I never missed a for five years, you usually football game. ·' move on. But I've been forIf one takes Curtis at his tunate that a large percentage word. at the end of the football of the population is in favor of season Curtis· announcing what I do, and I've really apstreak stood at 313 con- preciated that." secutive games. And in In recognition of Curtis' recognition of this outstan- success, he has been named ding achievement, Curtis Idaho's Sportscaster of the received a plaque during Year more than 20 times. halftime festivities of the But perhaps for Curtis, his Boise State University game. crowning achievement came Speaking to the 15,800 fans when he was elected to the in the Kibbie Dome and live University of Idaho's Hall of on KRPL, Curtis admitted Fame last winter. Thus, after that for the first time in his life three decades of dedicated he was, "speechless." service, Curtis was made a Speechless or not, if a per- member of the UI's most son owned a recording of honored sports club. every Vandal football game And although it may seem Curtis called. it would take ironic, a WSU graduate found over six weeks of non-stop a home at the UI. o

... of the Vandals received an award from Athletic Director Bill Belknap for his 30 years of service as the Vandals' announcer.

Bob Curtis

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