1984 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 82 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 194

laying head games any people think only about the physical toughness required of a football player. However, mental toughness and courage are possibly the most important factors in deter· mining how well a football player wiD perform in a game. Every footbaU player uses a dif· ferent technique to prepare himself for an upcoming game, and each player must also get psyched up enough to go out on the field and play good. "Everybody gets psyched up dif· ferently," said Shawn Jackson, center. Some players yell a 101. Others don't say anything. Some go to the locker room hours before the game 10 think about their strategy or to listen to music. Olhers gel too ncr· vous if they go to the locker "oom early, so they stay home. Players may also visualize


Stra/ncd anldc. Ooe 0' lIohart's 'a.-orlfe wide ",cel.-el"8, Roo WIUeoburg (89), trle8 fo .,8cap" 'rom an e.llfero Wa8hlngton de'eoder. Wittenburg <:augbf ..,.-eo P1l8_8 duro Ing tbe game 'nr 135 yardJi aod one toocbdowo. (Pboto by S. Spiker)

RoughIng hIm up• .Junior linebacker Dao Huoter (49) Jumplt on Eastern W•• bJ0«10n'. quaneI'· back 10 aid In the 38·2;1 ¥IcfoJ")' o"er tbe ll.agle8. lIunter Is • Rick. College Ira_'eI' wbere be wa. a tell_ c.pfalo. (Pbolo by S. Spiker)



themselves playing in the game and making a good block or catch, or the team scoring a touchdown. Some players may have a business-like attitude before a game. "We have a job to do and we go out and do ii," said Jackson. The psyching·up process is not something that many players try to bring upon themselves. It is a process that builds up inside the player during the few hours before a game. "I never try to get psyched up," said Mike Johnston, cornerback. "I don', worry about getting psyched up enough to play." A lot of the excitement is built up continued ~ Pace to 'ace. Coroerback ~Uke .JobnJiloo (28) atrug· gle. with • 1\'evsda·Reno opponeof. AI1hougb tbe Vandalll 10111 tbe game, John8fon, • Junior college Irao.ler, waa a key player with Iwo puot "e1ul'n. lor 511 yal'd8 and 00111 paliJi Inlercepflon. (Pboto by M. Mc:Donald)

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