1982 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 80, University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 71

TRA VEUNG through the Italian countrvelcle could have been perplexing for theee architecture etuclente heel It not been for theee friencllv native glrle. SITUATED at one encl of the trecll·

tfonel public plaza I• ltelv' • venlon of Time• Square.

ALL of the traffic in Venice le etrictfv pecleetrien e.ncl the long, narrow, Oegetone etreete make welldng • unique ellperience.

of the moet beautiful cetheclrele built In the Baroque etvle le the Duomo of Milano. ONE

FROM THE TOP of the Duomo, the

cetheclrel of Sante Merle clel Flore, the citv of Florence reclletee In eveey clirectfon.

Architecture/ Europe 6 7

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