1982 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 80, University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 51

They still won't believe us, but we are going to balance this budget by 1984.


Ronald Reagan September 1981

did not come here to balance the budget - not at the expense of my tax-cutting and defense programs. If we can't do it in 1984, we'll have to do it later.

- Ronald Reagan November 1981 Faith means that a man should regard any disaster simply as a fate-determined blow which must be endured.

- Anwar Sadat in his autobiography

Glory for Egypt, attack!


-assassins of Sadat as they tired The senseless and brutal murders of these (Atlanta) children is deeply and painfully etched in the consciousness of our people.




Ronald Reagan

NATIONAL PRIDE eoared ae the epace· ehuttle columbia reopened the epace race between the United State• and RIINia. After the flnt laaoda ID April, 1981, the ebattle made a eecond flight In November. OMINOUSLY LOOMING agalnet a winter ekyiiDe, the Ba.oker Hill MIDIDg Company wae cl-d. forcing over 2,000 employee• oat of work. Although a group of lnveetore expre••· ed lntereet in purchaelng the operation, they faUed to reach an agreement with the labor aolooa.

News 47

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