1982 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 80, University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 142





T team, ake a Top 20 basketball 9,500 loyal, fans, and a group of determined and hardworking cheerleaders and jam them into the confines of the ASUl-Kibbie Dome. What do you get? In Idaho's case, it added up to the most successful and exciting season of basketball in the history of the University. One of the major reasons for the tremendous display of spirit during the year was eight men and six women the UJ cheerleaders. Through hours of practice and hard work, the cheerleaders became a skilled and polished team, featuring pyramids, balancing acts, and

CLAPPING ALONG with one of the many cheere, Ari Harder ehowe her e nthueiaem ae Idaho whipped Weber State. " 1-D-A-H-0, Idaho, Idaho, Go, Go, Go!" J eff Schoeben and Sondra Powell lead the etudente in the Vandal fight eong.





The group operated under cheerleaders, than any of the other difficult , yet well - other crowds we've seen," she performed routines. said. Bernie Lewis, who was a great "They also are far less rude influence for them. Also praised than other crowds in the by the squad was John Ikeda, league," Larson said. "At Monathletics business manager. tana, for example, the crowd br" He's been like a father to ings bags of whole potatoes and us," said co·captain Karen Lar- throws them at our team." She son. "He's given us anything went on to say that they once we've asked for and more. had to stop the game at Missoula We've come a long way this to clean the potatoes off the year, and it's because of him." court. Cheering before the Idaho If the cheerleaders enjoyed crowds was a real pleasure for the fans , then the reverse was the squad. "They're great," said also certainly true. From the Larson. "They are more respon- . start of the football season, the sive and supportive, not only to fans realized that this year's the team, but also to the squad was not only talented, but

also crowd oriented. The relationship between the cheerleaders and fans grew stronger as the year went on. Due to the amount of time they spent together, the cheerleaders became .a very close-knit group during the year. That closeness was apparent to all who witnessed the cheerleaders during the year. They conveyed .a message of togetherness and excitement to a crowd who, in turn, conveyed it to the team. And, with more than 30 consecutive wins in the Dome, the team conveyed the same message to the nation. Clint KendrickO

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