1981 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 79 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 213

Theta Chi

Front row: Dave Standawlck, Janet Fuhrtman, Mark Aronson. Roberta Dillion, Keith Jon... Pam Jones, Rick Webster, Mike McGough. Second row: Lonnie Gosselin, L.auri Tehaar, Alan Hamilton, Martha Anderson, Lealie Felton, J. R. Romero, Suzanne Carr, Todd Hagadone, Lynn Eggert, Ken Jones. Third row: Joe Cox Taylor Werness. Heidi Herndon, Jay Tucker. Dan Pavel. Jim Jensen, Kristin McKaye, Mike Dally, Greg Umbrlght, Scott Ward. Fourth row: Bob Richardson, Terry McDevitt, Ben Ross, Pat Brown, George McGough.

Theta Chi began a successful year with a great rush. After pledging nine people, our house was filled to capacity. Later in the year, Theta Chi had its annual Halloween Party for Friends Unlimited. Coming back In January, Theta Chi celebrated twenty-two successful years on the Idaho campus. February led to the choosing of our new queen. In spring, Theta Chi initiated nine new members and expanded its Daughters of the Crossed Swords with a successful Little Sister Rush. On April 25, Theta Chi sponsored its Regional Conference. Two hundred Theta Chi's visited the beautiful Idaho campus. Theta Chi finished the year in Its great tradition of brotherhood.



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