1981 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 79 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 209

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Left to right: Rick Crosby, Rick Feeney, Steve Schwalbe, John Madsen. Robert Yanashita, Amy Pollard, Matt Shannanan, Jamie Johnston, Jackie Jarvi s, Kori Kaufman. Second row: Bron Gailey, Bryan Schoen , Kim Boltz, Alex Frazier, Kevin Crum, Dave Gibney, Gail Denni s, Doug Edwards. Third row: Chris Gruenfeld, John Doyle, Mark Davis, Melinda Geary, Debbie Blanksma. Jeff Pahl, John Manns. chreck, Sharon Oberst, Lori Piccolo, Bruce Ward, Lois MacMillan, Mark Brigham. Fourth row: Joe Weltz, Ed Bergdorf, Bill Rauer, Karen Gowland, Stewart Winkle, Phillip Mead, Jim Brigham, Nick Ashby, Mary Heath. Filth row: Chris Williams, Brian Botto, Brad Grover, Frank Moreno. Mark Dinges, Joy Shelton. Tom Block. Rnady Crosby, Greg Pahl, Barb Rains, Sandra Daniels, Steffan I Cate. Sixth row: Alex Wiedemann, John Gibney, Kevin Gowland, John Ramseyer, Pat Cowell, Jeff Wilkins, Paul McGahan, Brian Focht, Brad Telin, Todd Fryhover, Tim Crum, Mark Croy, Dave Shirts, Greg Toolson, Pat Carter, Geprge Crookham.

Our fall started out with a great Rush, at the end of which we pledged twenty-three quality men. We also held the annual SAE Olympics in the fall , with the women of Gamma Phi Beta capturing the overall trophy and Pi Beta Phi winning the banner contest. The Violet Ball was held in October and Sue Hippie of Alpha Phi was crowned our new Violet Ball Queen. We are looking forward to the spring semester and to the ann路ual Paddy Murphy held in May.


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