1975 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 73 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 165

FRONT ROW: Deb S~. Sandy Kinyon, Beth Perlic, Vidry Alexander. SECOND ROW: Kathy Shannon, Chris Irwin, Gloria Ste-venson, Lindo Ri~. Amy Curry, Carmen Loera. Mary Beth Boschler. THIRD ROW: Kyra Evans, Lisa Dugdale, Colleen O'Keefe, J eanne Adams. FOURTH ROW: Cindy Lane, Connie Gehring, Sherry Franck, Mary Ferguson. Donna Jacobs, Penny Jones. FIFTH ROW: Melisso Otto, Mar;t Sue Evers, Cindy Sloan, Nancy Nyenhuis, Charleen Shannon, Deon Pettygrove. SIXTH ROW: Yvonne Ihli., Len Burdiclt, Peggy Barrett, Clare FutrelL


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