1967 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 65 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 98

Ken Everson Judith Evett Ali Fad( Dean Falk .WiUiam Fawcett Dave Fealko Steve Featherkile

John Feltman Cassandra Fisher Maxine Fisher Robert Fisher Mary Flack Gloria Fleming Paula Flesher

Shirley Floyd Annette Fluke Fred Fong Gary Fordyce Susan Forney Mary Forsm•n David Fortier

Marilyn Foster J ean Fowles Bur t Fox Linda Frazier D•niel Freeman Scott Freem•n Roger Frei

Sophomores All en Frisk Bob Froman Robert Fry Jock Fullwilcr Gregory Gudner Robert Gardner Shirley G>rdner

Wanda G>rdncr Stephen Garman Linda Garmcndia Gary Garnand Sandra L. Gates Verne Geidl Marcia Gellert

Karlene Gellings Gene Gerard B•rney Ges•s Bill Gigray James Gi lbert John Gi lbert R od Gilge

K•ye Gillespie Sandra Gilster Dave Gipson Ann Glenn Kathleen Glenny Harlan Glover Judith Goff

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