1967 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 65 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 57



A distinguished senior with a spur on her foot, a gavel in her hand, an a goal on her mind was Helen Black. She served Spurs as vice president her sophomore year and spent a large portion of her junior year traveling as a Spur National officer to direct Spur activities. Alpha Gamma Delta honored her as outstanding pledge, outstanding member, most inspirational senior and chapter president, and they watched with pride as she was tapped for Phi Upsilon Omicron, Theta Sigma Phi, and TKE Daughters of Diana. She served the ASUI in the Education Improvement Committee and other committees. Helen leaves college for a home economics and journalism career.


Home Economics-Journalism


Political Science

A piano player, Bob Aldridge worked for the university in many ways. He has won in the Blue Key Talent Show and played for many groups. Bob has been a member and leader of Idaho Center for Education and Politics, C-Cap, Young Republicans, Model United Nations, COPE, and Education Improvement Committee. He has been both a university and state Young Republican officer. Bob was tapp~d for Intercollegiate Knights and Blue Key, and he served the ASUI as a member of executive board. A Theta Chi, Bob plans to go on for more education.


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