1967 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 65 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 210

Electrical and Electronics Engineers Row on~: Ted Bell, Ted Quirk, Lester Morfin, Lynn Anderson, Steve Voss, Dan Kenney, J ack Willmonh, Denny Dobbin, chairman; Don Inouye, A. L. Rigas. Ror< lr<o: Ronald G. Wood. Jack Danforth, Mel Georgeson, Ronald Perry, Joe Kerbs, Bill Junk, Sam Lindley, Garre Biladeau, Mike Bcrriochoa, Pat Kerby. Row lhrer: John Overby, Dave Crawfonh, Dan Madden, Allen Hutteball, Dennis LaRue, Rocky Sinclair, John Mutch, Edwin Sexton, Donald W . Miller.

Ro1v one: Rod Arena, Joe Beal, Joe Stewart, larry Nelson, Oick Plastino. Ro1v /wo: Dav id Moore, larry Annis, Craig Norsen, Dan Yribar, president; Ralph Geibel, Bu tch Engstrom, Jayami Patel. Row Jbree: Terry Bailey, Keith Loveless, Alan W. Brucsch, Stephen Young, Ronald Stucki, Cla rence Miller, Kerry Orcutt, Walter Leitch, Ray Ames, Jesse Abbott. Row four: Ronald G. Forsyth, L3rry VonOver, Gary Hazen, Eugene R. Burch, larry R. Seibel, Ronald J. Santi, Gary D. Janousek. Jack S. Hammond.

Civil Engineers The Idaho Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers provides informltion to students on new ideas in the field of Civil Engineering. Membership is open to all civil engineering st udents, and is designed to promote interest in the professional organization after graduation. The Institute of Elec trical and Electronic Engineers promotes comm unication between electronical engineering students and professional men. It is associated with the American Association of Electrical Engineers.

Row 011~: D. E. johnson, advisor; E. Lee Wilson, James H. Ritter, Michael A. Riener. Row /u:o: Mike Kuphart, Roger Kilgore, Dale Laird, John Marlowe, Bill Prescott, chairman; James Matt, Daryl Rodabaugh. Row lhru: Michael Arnold, John Zagelow, Roy Kasper, Tim Long, David Wilsey, Pndeep Sonawala, Ratilal Patel.

Automotive Engineers The Idaho chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers is a student branch of the na t ional organization. Members learn of new developments in their field by meeting with professional members. Anyone interested in the design and function of various machines may join and attend the bi-monthly meetings.

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