1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 153

One point wa., gi\'en for each girl who .. ,·ol· unta rily submi tted" herself to allowing the sea t of her pa nts to he painted wit h the Greek lctte•·s Sigma Chi.

Derby Day D erby D ay festivities were he ld Fe bruary 27 in conjunction with the Sigma Chi Sweetheart con test. Points we re give n for first, second, and third place in such even ts as the tOma to throw, the balloon grab, and the Aou r box. All participating living groups paraded around the cam pus in "vehicles" depicting thi year's theme: " Beasts of the J ungle." A grand w inner o( Derby Da y was a nnounced a nd received a permanen t trophy.

C hu ck Crop ly was the winner in th e Deck a Pledge contes1. ll e wa s decked by th e Alpha Chi s.

Craig MacP hee is surrounded by girls iu the Egg Drop.

Peggy !'rice. ;\l pha Chi, was th e grand winner of the l1rst au u ual Sigma Chi n crhy Da y.


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