1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 120

Freshman Honoraries ALPH A LAMBDA D ELTA Alpha Lambda Delta invites for membership freshman women with grade poin ts of 3.5 during the first emester or a 3.5 accumulati\'e for both ~emesters during the freshman year. It is a national fre hman woman's scholastic honorary 路wh ich has been active at the U niversity of Jdaho for many yea rs.

Row 011e: Mike Skok, Lynda Tochikof, Chrystelle Mitchell. Brooke C liffo rd , Liz Smith, Karen Pyrah. President; Karen Longe路 teig, Christine DeThomas. 'a nq Peterson, J ud) .\ bernathy. Row Two: Karen Hoffbuhr, San((\ Brown, E velinda Hinue, J ud~ ~lustard , Ka1hy H umbach, \\'an 路 da Sorensen, Karen H am ilton, Margaret lleglar, J ean Cmwley. Jan et Cox, Elizabeth Sch immel.

PHI E1 'A SI GMA Phi Eta Sigma recognites and honors freshman men who attain high scholastic marks. Any freshman who earns a 3.5 grade point average is e ligibl e for membership. I nitiates remain active during their sophomore year. /low One: Jeff r\nder'>On , :\like \\"i cks, Prcsidem; J ohn Cooksey, Bun .\nderson , Cecil Johnson. Row Two: John l aft. Ken H ill, Joe :\fcColl um, J erry Re)llOids, Ste'e Woods. Dennis Wiese. Doug Reilly, P. l>eter:.on, r errance Cough, Craig Storti. Row Tl11ee: Jim \\'att. Les :\lurray. Earl H igginson. Gaq Clark, Stephen :\filler, J im Meidinger, J oel Caldwell, Jim Carbon, Leslie \\'ebh, Tom i\ ler lan.


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