1965 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 63 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 117


Craig orsen Orva l Nuui ng Richard Pape Marla I'a rberry Kathleen Peterson ;\[ary .Jo Pete rson Cheq I Pratt Karen P) rah Gi nger Re) no lds Pa ul Re) nolds R on R obertson Lynn Rohson Sally Rutl edge J ud) R)dalch

Cary Ny berg Rosa lind Ogletree :'l! ary Pate l·:ldon Pearce Nancy R. Pe terson Ra\' Peterson \'irginia Radke nob Rarick \ 'incent R hinehart l'a t Rhodes Bud Rod."·ell Hill Roper Darrell R)drych Otto Sackman

Ri chard Olso n • \ rL Peavey Gary Po llard Cary Reber .Judy R icke) \\'illiam R ossiter Joh n R. Salsko1

Ellen Osth eller Ju lie Pe nce · Jim Pope PatSy Reed :\fike Ri ener Cheryl Rou Se) Sharon a''')er

JoAnn Owen H azel Perks Ron Porter Pegg) R eed Kei th Ri<.-s .\nn Ru sh K. carhorough

.Joe l'acello Linda Perry Hoh Powell Je rr> Reese Diane Roherts Did. Rush J anice chadt

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