1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 37

College of Letters and Science ALPH A EPSILO N RHO Alpha Epsilon Rho, national radio-TV honora r y, was installed a year ago on the I daho ca mpus. T he purpose of this new honorary is to serve as a means of extending recogni tion to ou tstanding stude nts in this field. Row One: Warren Board, Todd Shelton, Roger Snodgrass, Leslie Timmons, Nickie McDonnell, Gerald Peterson, Grayson Gibbs, Richard Schum acker. Row Row : Mr. Pete Hagga rt, Adviser; Ben Goddard, DeRay Basseu, Buzz McCabe, Paul Schneider, J ay Gaski ll, R ic h Wil hite, Alvin Burgemeister. Not pictured: Bob J orgenso n, Karl Sorman, LeRo y Kellogg.

PHI MU ALP H A SINFON IA The purpose of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is to further the cause of good music on the Idaho campus. Male students who actively participa te i n one of the major musical organizations on campus and have a 2.5 GPA may join. Each year the cha pter sponsors an American Music Concert. T he members usher for music recitals a nd concerts. There is also a n a nnual tea for music stude nts, faculty, a nd other persons interested in musica l activities. At Piano: T ra,•ers Huff. Row One: \.Vinston Cook, Ervin H irning, Jim McConnell, Lawrence Stamper, Woody Bausch, T ravis McDo no ugh , J eff G rimm , P residen t; J im Jo hnson, Bill Burke, Way ne McProud, Roger Fordyce. Row Two: J ohn Lind, H arry Betts, Dave W ells, Dale Bening, Phil Coffm an, Adv iser.

THETA SIGMA PH I Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour nalism honorary, promotes writing as a career a mong women stude nts and women of the community. Junior women majoring in journalism wi th a 3.00 accumula tive in journalism subjects and a 2.5 accumulative in other classes are eligible. Membership is also avail able to women who have done excep tional work in campus journalism activities and who possess high scholarship. Row On e: Walter Stewar t, Adviser; Ki p Peterson, P resident; Rose Webe r, Adviser; H elen Cross, Adviser. Row Two: Karen Stroschein, J oyce Arthur, J ane W atts, J anice Craig, D ia nne Stone.


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