1964 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 62 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 181

University Sinl{er i a n organitation open, without audition, to all \tudents interested in singing. Their performance th1s year included participation in "Belshazzar's Feast" first seme te•· and ~Jay Fe te second semester. "Elijah," an oratorio by Felix Me ndelssohn-BalLholdy, was performed in late May. A major chora l work such as this is performed on ly once in every four years. The accompanists for the year were P<ttti Folz and \felda ·williams on Piano and ~ f rs. ~ f eria! Grimm on Organ.

University Singers

T he Marching Band is the group on campus that performs for the most people. ome of their performances include parades, half-time shows for all home lootball games, special pep rallies, and pre etHing a portion of the half-time ~how at the " 'SUJd<tho Game. Thi~ group al o act as hosts for the Ann ual Band Day festivities.

Marching Band

I·or Homecoming, the traditional " I" was formed at half-time.

A salute to the facult}' was included in one of the fonna1ions pre,enled while the band pl;l\ed "Pomp and Circumstance."


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