1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 94

I Prnidenl; Sam Ta~'lor. \lice "resident; "alh}' Baxter, Tre:uurcr; Carol Ilussa, Secretary.

Sophomore Officers

JUkic: Aldrich Marll)"" Ard


Muia...o\bbul Jim Al6andoer John Armnrong

. \ bOOn 8i1l ..\ lbtd Su:\e Amulrong J~

Lconud Abel t:ddic: Andc:no<l John Arrington

Walter .-\dams Jay:\ndenon JO)ÂŤ, -\rlhuT

ChC:1 Adtins Sally Andason Paula Ani!

Ann Albee lIarold ,\nd.-eason Pat Aunin

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