1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 46


CoHege of Business

The College of Business provides profcssiolUI training for young men ami women who plan to make business their career. Perhaps nothing speaks bener for the College of Business than the success of its graduates and the continuing demand for morc of them. Graduates head one of the nation's largest chains of super-markets. They hold high positions in major insurance companies, b,lllks, and cOllntless other business ellterprises. The College has one of the nation"s most outstanding records in successfully preparing stude illS for exmin,uiolls [catlin!\" LO Certified Public ACCOlllllant ccnific;lles. Both Sl:lhililv and status h,n"c been developed in the faculty. Eleven members out of the total of sixteen possess either doctof<ttc degrecs or CPA ccrtificatcs.

D.\\'II> D. "-t:~"N'CK

Det'" Collegc of Busincss

ALPHA KAPPA PSI Alpha Kappa I>si, thc national professional fraternity for busi路 nessmcn, was only recently reactivated 011 the Idaho campus but it has immcdiately developed into onc of the most aClive profcssional fratcrnities on campus. At their mectings they havc h:td guest spcakcrs from industry. governmCllt, ,Old thc professional fields of accouming and economics. One-John T'lle. Eugcnc 1-I"1"(lcr. l{ichJrd SWnlon. DOll Fluharty. IIn'ce H"rI'Cr. J,unes Berry. Gregg Holt. a",l Ralph l\"c1SOIl. How T",o-Robert C.rl路 son. "-cith Gregory. Harold Audreason. RichJrd l\eehc. "'illi,,," Orman, Bruce VideI'm,,,,. Tim Nelson, Mike 111'0"'''. Dennis Cromwell. Jlld Bill LongcH:ig. How T/lree-I--red Bergemann. OQn Knudsen. Terry Smith. UolJ Rilq'. Carl Schlecht. HalTY I"",wcs. G"r~ Ellsworth. :Iolan'in I)""is, and Ruland Willi"ms. /(0\1'


Mrs. Gcr,tldinc I)acres conducts a etass ,ilJI to all modcl'll business peopleSmJIl Ilusim:s.s MJchines 'Illd C"klllators.

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