1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 44

CoHege of Education In order to meet the growing demand for teachers in the state of Id,lIlO, a School of Education was established at the University of Idaho in June, 1920. Dr. l\lessengcr becitme Dean when the School of Education was established and held thitt position until he retired in 1944. Dean 1;Vehzin then assumed tb,.t position and now is serving his [9th year as Dean. Dean \'VeItzin announced this Spring that he will be relinquishing his Deanship to devote full time to research and teaching. The University owes mucb to Dean \Vcltzin for during his 19 years as Dean of the College of Education it has grown from 128 lO well over 900 sllldents. The College offers programs in Education, Psychology, Business Education, l\lusic Education, Industrial Arts Education, and Physical Education.


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Cullege of Educ:llion

PHI EPSILON KAPPA Phi Epsi[on Kappa is the only national professional fraternity for male students and le;lChers of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. It brings to its members an appreciation of their dmies toward life, toward their profession, and toward their fellows. The establishment of Idaho chapter has added immeasurably to the status of the Physical Education progr,uTI. Row O"e-llill M:.llis. Rich i\"aee<lralO. Car)' Smith. Fred Crowell. l\L E. Ross. n:lrold Johnson, Urucc Tro",路 bridge. Roger Konkol. n"'<I)'nc McC:lnney. /low T"'o-Jim Md:Jroy, Ralph H<lssm3ll, noh Blowcr, Larry Johnson. C...roll l\lallhews, Doug liapkins. Charles Long, John Herch. inger. Jim Currie, Hugh I'ullon. Uo", Three-Ken l\1"ren. Grt"g Honlemann. Jim Spcl!l".. ui. l\lIell Phillips. Fred 1'holl1:Os, Leon Grt"Cll. J"ck Bloxom. Tom Bloxom. L:Lrr)" Derrie.

The Studenl Te:oching Program pru,ides an excellent opportunit)" to g:.in ,'aluable experience in dealing ...ilh classroom problems.


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