1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 360

nuilt ill 1955. Oedicated to Alfred H. Uph:UIl, Presidcnl of the UIli\'crsity of Idaho, 1920-1928.



Another big year for Upham-proper follow-up LO last year as outstanding men's hall on campus Bill Fr,ltes on Exec, Board and elected ASUI I>resident " Bill l\IcCann, Freshman Class President ... Rick Beebe, Sophomore Class »residcnt and on Activities Council, Arlen ]\farley, CUP President and Duke of IK's , , . Marley, Beebe, Howard,Martin, Soderling, Miller, McCann, and Gibbens serve as JK's Creech, Prysock, and Soderling in »hi Eta Sigma, Trail, Marley, Beebe, and J\lcFarland in Delta Sigma Rho. , , McFarland is president of Alpha Phi Omega, Cameron is president·elect Howard, Beebe, Nelson, Miller, and I\lanin in Alpha Kappa Psi., Soderling, Veep of RHC. ,Nelson, National RHC President.



Left /0 right: G:'T)' Hcwcll, SccrClary. Rick Ucel.>c, Vicc I'l'csi,lcnl; Bob /-Iale)', I'rcsidcm; Bcn HCliriksCll, T'"C<lSllrcr; Merlc Gihocns. I'ar. liamcnt:,riall; l\rlen Marley, Soc:ial Chairman.


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