1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 251

Frosh Football Id;lho's }carling £oothallcrs posted one \\,in in their three-game season-a big olle over :Ifch-ri\'al \VSU. This game saw the Vaml:!1 I\abcs disphl) some of Ihe pOlcllti,11 thai h,ld lain donn;l.IH throughout the carly going. The first game for the hash \\'as a 27-12 defeat sulfcred ;ll the hands of the University of Washington (rosh. On the heels of this sctback Gllne a dis;ISlroUS 42-7 drubbing b) the Columbia Ibsin J uniar Colkgc Hawks, one of the lOp junior college c1c\cns in the COUlHfY· The Vandal Babes kepi trying to make ground but cnJc prO"cd ill\cincible. :1111\ the smart quarterbacking of i\like i\I01uhan kept the Vandals with their backs to the wall mO)l of the game. Howe\'er. these losses made the vicwry O"Cf the Collbabes just th,lt much the sweetcr. It was Idaho's only gamc away from homc and Ihc )carlings C:llllC through in finc SI)le by taking a 22-1'1 decision. The fl'Osh playcd somc good b.. 11 Ihroughout the SC;l)on and mallY ,Ire expectcd to help the varsity in futurc seasons.

U of Washington Idaho

27 12

Columbia Basin Idaho

42 7

Washington St. Idaho

14 22

Oue: nill 5<:011. Mike Wimer. Gar) I'earson. I'hil HarvC). George Cook. I'aul Ta}lor, I)a,e Coll,,·a)". Flash GibsOll. /lou' Tu'o: R~nd)" I\chrens. Kelll Seelig. jot Dob· son. I\Ob 1orrey, Larry Sappington. I'hil ,\rIllSlmng. john lIardelli, jilll Will. /lo'" TI'TU: Russ Keithly. Ron Anderson. Mike RUMtJl. Ward Kcll}" Jim FO!Iler. Jim Fisher. I)a,'c Triplctt. I\.ob Ibsscn. I...aTT)· Riggers. /lour fOllT: Gar) Gsh,,'andlm:r. Winn Zinm'erman. nary Lucc. Gar) I'Clcn. Jcrr) c~",phdl. John l\.oiscn. Hob nart1cll. John Rnan .. Rou' fi,'f:: Chri~ I,utich, Larr)' MacGuffic. l\O)"d Hillman. \laIc Lamie. ,....01 p:("IIITcd: Tom Walton. I'at l..c"'is. Jim Run)on, Charles Jenkins, Kip Bilhmm. nUll Cill.



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