1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 221

RILe CO~IMI1-rEE 'I he kcligion In Life O,,,f,,r. con:, ;Irc held annoally to instill in students a new


inlo Rdigion :md opp<JrlUllltr 10






on the i"'I>orwnl role of ...,Iig;o" in the lire. This }car, the conference ....:IS under the supenision of this comm;ttee:: !lou' OUI! (lIlI' /0 ril(llI)

Julie Strickling. Karen Miles. L)ll" Holmes. Idona Kellogg. r:it Cent11". Sharon L::lIIc:uta. IlQW Tu'o: Jacl; Co'"er, Rc,-. Hnoll! Ftchanr. ':lOll Rod.. Rowland Smuh.



REUGIOUS DIRECTORS ASSOCIi\TIOX Lee 0;.. is. Or. Stan fhop,:u, ltc,', Ch"d Uolid. Yvonne Sl~u. Itc.. Don l~. Jact. ,\dams. Oan \\'or""'3n.


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