1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 173

Public Events

Mr. G. L. ;\!oo;nc:, h~\'ing ~ceollll)anicd mom) of the Hul)' greal ....orld musicians, ga\"(~ an en路 lightening and h"morous talk about the man)' funny :l1ld un"s,,:a] incidCnlS that occurrt:d to him when he was accollll'an)'jng Ih<.'Se intli."it!.

Dr. Will)' Ley. CXIK!rl rocket sdemiSI, addrosetl a I'"blic E,'enl. 3sscmtJly and told the capacity crowd thaI twothird. of all scientific: di!iCOn~ril'S since the first satellite (an be validly claimed by lhe Unill~d SI;Il<.'lI.

uals on the pi"mo.

Or. S. 8. Rolland of the 11;'101'}' Oeputment told tile Idaho student bod)' about Idaho's coni) l1;slOI)' :u the Unh-crsil)" obscn"ancc comnu:monlling Idaho', Territorial Centennial. F.,tnk Gcn .. _i, a famous war correspondent, talked at one of the Public }:It'nts as..<cmhlies on the 5ubj芦1 or the Common :\13rl;cl and iu effects on the \mcrican economy.


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