1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 115

E\'cn though thc main attraction this }ear is based around the new SUB addition. the original building still functions 'IS the ccntral meeting place for afternoon cokc dates: for emcrt"inlllCIll :lfter the g:lme: and for those bowling clllhusi:lsb, With the mo\'ing of the ASU I office. more sl>:lce has been found to enlarge the "BuckeL" This made possible the attendance of largcr crowds: :II thc big I~ep Rail) on Dad's Da): thc annual Holly Week St}le Show with the contestants st}ling the "'atest:" and thc Election Smokcrs. The opcning of the Blue Buckct Inn Pancakc '路Iouse provided the sllldelll with a perfect SIX)! (0 comc on Sunda) evenings. :\lan) a Saturda} afternoon finds studcnts relaxing 10 "Jau in thc Buckct:'

Fac:ult) memhers also lind Ihe SUB a con路 \("niclII place 10 IllL"Ct :,1111 reb,,;.


You mOl.) pic:" "I' ,our annual in the :\SUI office-and here Carol Uuss" passes them out.

ThruughoU1 thc wcc". 'lIIdClllS C01lle 10 ;, cuke ;",d slIId).


Gale ... Ii,,; gin.,. u' a peel.: at one or the four ne'" howling lano under construclion, in order 10 a(Com,nodate Ihe sludenu.


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