1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 54

SRA Cretlted during the 1960 ASUI election, the Student Represento!ltive Assembly llets IlS o!l sounding boerd for ideolls. SRA is composed of e representlltive from et'lch cempus living group. At r~ul"r meetings. the members provide the transition be· tween the ASUI executive board lind the student body <!IS a whole. Campus opinion is tapped end new plens are presented. During its first year SRA operated with the officers shown at the right. They are Chairman, Bob Scott; Secrettlry, Edie Voorhees: <lind Vice-Ch"irmlln, Jim Thompson.

Ellrly morning prectices payoff as the V"ndllletfes present their high stepping tit football end btlsketbell gomes. Chosen tit f,,11 tlnd spring tryouts on the btlsis of Ilbility end IlppetlfenCe, members perform ffillrching


ROW ONE-a.,b.,. Kron. Diu. F.wKI •• Elunor Un,iok.r, hr.n K.lly, M.ry E••n" C.mill, Jo~n...., Edi, V_'h.... An. Juol.., Sonl. AII'n. ROW TWQ-Jou., H,II,r, P,I C,rI,on, M,rl Ku'd" Ju. And,..O., P.u'. hlnmu.h, S,d.,y Colli." Anll. Wilcomb. C.rol McC,u, Llnd. E."9n, Joun 104_,., SUI 51,.,'1, Sh.,o. Ni.lud. Jun M."h.ll. ROW THREE---Ou. A.d,.w" J"Ii, Gibb, K."n P",r_ ICIn, Ll.d. K.o •• N,din. N•• lun<!, Nucy Vo.ik., R.. McArthur, J"dy Du.ltr. 1.1..,. Ttuochtr. Ctroly. Wylli., h'''' Vidtrmu. ArI,n. Tu'nbull.



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