1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 45


Hall Council


Ulld. Ly." 1-10"_. " dul; "tty AMI....... Stul... S""t!l, J•• Luh AI•• hi.cl ....... Uri Hi.h., lOll Helclo.., lic"'''' H •••"', 0...... E.. UI· ...., o..vid W.lI l.«ry TI . • .,• .o1d Jo Ji... $10' .



The Residence Hell Council worked et promoting better relotions between the independent living groups on cempus. This orgonizetion, composed of two representatives from eoch hllii. is in its third yeer.

Bench and Bar

Membership of the Bench Md 81lr is mo!lde up of the student body Md the fecully of the College of Lew. The members have the opportunity to become tlcqullinted with the extensive low librery end fo honor the honor code for I"w exams.

, lOw ONE--l..o,.-,



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1(000..... 0,.,' At~in...". 0."", F.""",-". J..., W•• ton, 'rnid."I; Ge•• ,",cCoJ. Jim D.f. l ..d.1I Fr.clrich. J..." Ouu.. ROW rwO-CI ..d. T.t.. k.lI.y A,. nold. kU".I~ Rud.lI. E'k Wil_ ~.Im.o". Tony P.,k. P.ul McC.b•. St... loll.,. Tom N.I.on. $1 ••• hu".,. lob koon". J.... W.I_ I.,•. RHd lo....n. Sh.'m Hibb.,t. Chuck H.,••,. Ch.,I., Po....... Ed H.lmk.. R09" Und....-..od. ff..d Rin9'. Jim "nn.tt., .... ih c_ Hi<:lo..I•. Did W.._ . $1 _ ..n. Sot ko"...... Amlho.y H.J.Rk ".1. Chuck W_II.nd: D.,. n Thi.J. 0 ....11 104 .... iIl.

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