1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 278

College of Letters and Science ALPHA EPSILON DELTA Alph" Epsilon Delf" is the n"tion,,1 scholastic honorary for pre-dentistry oIlnd pre-medic,,1

students. In order to be eligible for membership, students must m"int"in high scholtlrship Md good leodership. The purpose of this group is to promote (In t1clIdemic end intelleetulIl "tmos-

phere for University of Jdeho st.. . dents in their respective fields. FIRST ROW, I.ft to "oM_Anen J. H....n. " •• ide"l; ""'a'i"". Willi., Iool"'l.f" Ge"I". T,... ~r.,; J"dy ,""eGa'v". SECOND lOW _Pet., Kelly. Dr. D. A. G.,"Iooo. Advi.ot; C.r1 Win'a.,t.i., Vice.P,•• ide,,': • ...:1 H t.4cOou'l.I, (ldOll T_,l<><, Da.e '01'9',

DEBATING Intercollegillte debllting tit the University of Idllho is Ilmong the best in the country. MMy students here lit Idtlho participate in the vtlrious divisions offered lit deb.!lte meets. This debtlte c1llsS is II prime extlmple of Id,,ho's le"dership in the field of deb"te. FIRST ROW. 1.1t to ,i",hl_SuI.n A'ml. lind. KiM.y, Sh.il. MoD•• ill. K.'.n Smith, Vi"j• • n Dick.mo'., WiIIi.m John,ton. SECOND ROW-D."jd Shu,t1.f1. Ron"i. Rock. Tom lrnch. "".",in H.i1.,on. Lon Woodbu,y, R09.r h". Dr. Whit.....d. Ad.i,o,.

CHEMISTRY Chemistry students ere busily cleaning up theif lab after", h"rd and rough day with test tubes.


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