1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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BRUCE McCOW.... N P•••id.nl

Under the competent leodership of President Bruce McCowan the Associoted Students of the University of ldoho experienced one of its most successful yeofS. Bruce, the elected represento'ive of the entire Student Body. presented the students' views to the f<'lcully lind Ildministration in his diplomatic end efficient mllnner. As ch"jrmon of the Executive Board, he stressed the importance of providing <'l better meens of student representlltion, on understllnding focufty-student rel"tions progrom, and lin efficient balonce between academics and cl!Impus ~rticjpation. Throughout college, Bruce has maintoined notllble "cademic tlchievement while plIrticiptlting in numerous cllmpus activities. His most outstonding ochievements were; Freshmen end Sophomore CI<'Iss President, Du~e of IK s, Vice-President of Phi Et<'l Sigm<'l, <'I member of Silver Lence. Blue Key end Pi G<'Imm<'l Mu. He <'lIsa pl<'1yed on the Frosh <'Ind V<'Irsity B<'Isketb<'l1l te<'lms end served his Fr<'lternity, Bet<'l Thet<'l Pi, <'IS Pledge CI<'Iss President. We <'Ire <'III proud of Bruce, for no one could h<'lve been <'I more dedic<'lted or underst<'lnding le<'lder, or <'I truer friend end represent<'ltive of the students, th<'ln our president, Bruce McCowen.


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