1961 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 59 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 239

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Frosh Basketball, Bill Goss, Tom B",lIMtyne, Terry Gust",vel, Garry Hubble ... Frosh Baseball, Ron Watson, Brian McDowell . . . Frosh Tennis, Tom Bttllttntyne ... Varsity Golf, G",ry Floan ... Frosh Golf, Bill Goss, Terry Gustavel .. Jerry Myklebust, cheerleader. . ROTC Awards, Dick Neilsen, Chuck LMge, Weldon Tovey. Clint McDonald ... V",rsity Ski Team, Bjorn Bergvall ... Alpha Epsilon Delta. Dick Monahan, Pete Kelly . . . Phi Eto Sigma. Pete Kelly, Bob Peterson ... mMy other honoraries too . . . First Place in Dad's Day Cheering Contest .. Third Place in Homecoming Parode Float Contest with the Thetas . . . social life ttt high peak . . . many exchenges "Roaring Twenties" Pledge Donce "Purple Garter" Dance . . . never to be forgotten "Fiji Island" Dence wes best ever "the soddest tele I heve to tell. is when I bid fond Phi farewell . . . Heil to thee Phi Gamma Delta."

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