1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 213

Harry Krussman Mike McKim Bob Nutting Brad Rice

Frank H unter Bob Lee J ames Minas Bill Overholser James Swayne

M.P. H ughes Steve Lincoln Jerry Mix Jim l'almer George yring

Art Jensen Brock Livingston Terry Mix Bill Pressey J oh n Travis

Small talk

Don Kirkpatrick Ben Marra Richard Neal Gary Randall Joe Visintainer

R . Koppenlwrg James Mays Da\•e Nichob Eric Rauch Ernie V}Se

Ray Kowallis Dana McCown Barry issen Bob Reese Paul Wagar

Sebastian Lamb Dick Minas Doug Olson Dean hadle

Pili De/to Tile to

Oh, Oh


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