1960 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 58 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 150

Independent Caucus Political repre entation led by Dan ·w atson i given to the independent students on campus by this group. Policies set forth are carried through the elections by the Independent candidates a nd are set up not onl y for the independent students but for the entire student body. Row one- Dan Watson, Jim Mullen, E\erett Bailey, Cliff choff, Dave Shurtleff. Lynn Hossner, Larry Hos~ncr. Row two- Sharon Davis, Anita Stith, J oyce Frisch, Colcnc Pcirsol, Marcy Whitten, l\fargcrcn Me 'cal, Larry Woodbury. Row three- R on Jones, Bryon Champion, Keith Watentsuefe, Chris R eynolds, Pat Jordan, Shirla Callawa y, Sherley Krchn, ancy Simpson, Marian Clark, Byron Singholys. Lee Barrow, Fred Hossuev. Row four- Cary Thompson, '\layne Skidmore, Cordon Powers, Becky Dudcrson, Howard Brown, Steve Colberg, Mel Hcnscy. Row fiveRod Harris, Dave Grover, Dean Banuer, Bob l\loc, Bill Davidson, Lee Townsend , Bill Collins.

Residence Hall Council This group works at promoting better relations between the independent living groups on campus. Composed of two representatives from each hall , thi~ organitation has proved itsel( valuable in its second year on campus.

Row one- Larry Thomas, Marilyn Pritchcu, Gordan Powers. Row two- Bill Davidson, Linda Edwards, l\'farian Clark, Beuy Anderson. Lynda Dailey, 1\farjean Met ca l, Alvcrna Mueller, Bob Grant. Row three - Larry I lossner, Malcolm Alexander, Rodney Harris, George Thorson, Jim Lemp, Larry Whitby, Sharon Wintcrowd, Jim Julder, Ronald H . Jeneo.

United Caucus The United Caucu , objective is to carq out campus as a whole, has deal of pirit this year political activitie .

who e primary the will of th e shown a great in all campus

Row one- Kayo Cra,cn, J im J udd. Danny Seaven, Bob Tunniclilf, Doug Goodrich, Randy Liuon, Dick Ilarris, Eddie Exum, Buster Smock, John l>asley. Row two- andy Cooper, Helen ;\fethod, Kathy Paine, Diane mith, Elinor, Wilson, Maureen weeny, Bob Bernard, Karen Stcdtfcld, Doloris llormachea, Marg:net Tatko, Jill Manhics, r.·ra ry Winegar, Dave Briggs. Row tl11·ee- Diane ordby, ~Iaureen McCouwin , iMary Jane Douglas, Rowena Eikum, Kay Osborne, Sharon ay lor, Bonnie McKay, Claire Slaughter, Jim Herndon, DeA nna Duffy, Bill Campbell, J an Alden, Sally Jo Nelson. Delores Chadsey. Row four- L)nn Kerby , Ray Hargraves, Cary Brannan, Bill Evans, Garth Sasser, Jeffery Lynn, Robert Bradley, Bob Brown, f'ete Kelly, Bob humakc•·, Did.. Reed, Keith Rim e.


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