1959 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 57 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 302


ELIZABETH PMSMOR£ E.lt•mettlary Ed ttratiott \loscow, ld~ho

\'if AD£ PATTEI\SON Pbysical Ed ttralion Moscow, Idaho

GEORGE PATTON Agricttlturr Craigmont, Idaho

jAMES RICHARD PAVEL Markelhtg Moscow, Idaho

LEROY PAYNE lmlttsfrial Arts Moscow, Idaho

CLAUDIA PEDERSON $rirnrr £ducaliott Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Eo PENA Agronomy Quito, Ecuador


Pre-Mrd Wendell, Idaho

RICIIAilD w. PET(RSON M reb. Ettgittrcring Idaho Falls, Idaho

TONIA lOUISE PETERSON £/em. Etluratiott Uoise, Idaho

TOM PHILLIPS Forrst Managmunf Boise, Idaho

DALE PuN£ Dairy H usbatttfr> Nampa, Idaho

jAMES E. POINDEXTER History, Social Stmlirs H eadqua rters, Idaho

MERLIN POWELL General Busintss Idaho Falls, Idaho

CHARLEs Po~" RS 1-/istorJ, Latt Twin Falls, Idaho

]OAN PRATIIrR /lome Erottomirs Spokane. W•shingcon

ROBI' RT PRESTI;L Matlumatirs Indianapolis, Indiana

PeNNY PRESTON Pbysical Education los Angeles, California

WILLIAM PURCELL Agronomy Weiser, Idaho

PAT QUANE Elnn. Education Gooding, Idaho

ReED EuceNe RAGAJ Forest Managemtnt Rigby, Idaho

FRANK A1.rT RAMER Cra igmont, Idaho

DAVID RANDOl I'H Political Scirttce Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

jiM RATHBUN EdncafiOII Eden, Ida ho

FRLD READ Civil Et~gilleeriltg Twin F•lls, Idaho

MACK ANDY REDFORD Ag. Economics Caldwell, Idaho

BETTY RETTINGER Enp,lisb Kamiah, Idaho

ToM RtVElEY Forest M anagemmt Altadena, California

jACK RICHARDSON Hrc. Engmrrrmg Orofino, Idaho

WAYNE R1cc Accomtfmg Minneapolis, Minnesota

MAXINE HARRIS RICCLRS Grnrral Businru NC7perce, ldaho

FuD R1NC£ Polttical Scirncr Americ•n Falls, Idaho

E1 t rN RoBERTs Homr Economics Donnelly, Idaho

jUNE ROBERTSON Srcrrlartal Scimcr Boise, ld•ho

SuzANN£ RorFLER Psycbology Missoub, Montana

Alt•cb. Enginr~•rin,~


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