1959 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 57 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 114

Kappa Kappa Ganuna Chapter house at 80S Elm

Housemother, Mrs. Markle

Many "heaven " times at the big, white house on Elm Street . . . " Peanuts," built with the Figis, won top honors in the Homecoming parade . . . the Russians came through at the Folk Dance Festival . . . " La Parisienne" helped honor the pledges at their dance . . . bright-eyed, ATO Esquire Girl, Nadine Talbot . . . Stetson and her "Quiet Hours" . . . A WS Prexy and WRA Vice-Prexy, Pat Finney . . . Lady Leonard, the turtle . . . tappings, exchanges, and many fun functions . . . Top Seniors, Suzanne Rofl1er and Marie Van Orman ... Air Force Sponsor, Sue Livingston ... " Black and \Vhite and Red All Over," another spring stomp . . . new wearers of the Phi Beta Kappa key,

Marie Van Orman, Kay Bozarth, and Ella Gaye Springer . . . " Clod" . . . six new Alpha Lambda Delta's . . . three peppy pom-pom girls ... Suzanne on Exec. Board and Mortar Board Vice-President . . . Marie and her outstanding GPA . . . Deanie, King of the H ashers . . . headliners, Ladessa Rogers and Judy Stubbs . . . many pins and rings added . . . Song Fest with the Phis ... early awakening for four new Spurs ... Kay Bozarth tapped for Mortar Board ... Blue Key winner, Carol Ann Haddock . . . Campus Chest with the Sig Chis and Delts . . . all in all another wonderful year gone by too fast.

Dorothy Bauer President

Janice Browning Jane Fields 110

Mary J. Caldwell judy Finney

Nancy Alcorn Peggy Jo Anderson Marilyn Crane Pat Finney

Nan A. llughes Nancy Beach Jo•n Davenport Ele2nor Fowler

Judy Anderson Kay Bozarth Par Decker Kelly Friuel le

Denny Dressel Ca rol Haddock

Zola Lee Fairley Heather Hill

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