1955 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 53 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 97

Alpho Lomlulo Delto

The Freshman women's scholastic honorary Jed this year by Karen Lee Krauss.... Membership is attained by having a 3.5 accumul:1tivc gnde point.

Row On~N.nC)' Buchan.... Lnir Gill, PCu, " •• io .., Conn;" 0.,"100"', Row T.'o-M.rilyn Monr«. Gx B.i'ey. J......... P••k"""'" "'r K~unbttk. r ... y PUIon•. ~br_ ,orn John..,.,. Sox St.uck. lk" Gf'l'l!crloOl\. Ca.olyn Sonderson. O..kM Thorn... Row Th.ft--J ..dy Hods;.,., T ..ko. Tn.,,,,er; l>hy P'Pf'C'"h,cn. Smior Advi_. "'um 1.« Kra"... p....idcn.; J"dy Croollh.m. V;Cc_Prt<idcn.; Jone Rem._ bns. ""ni..., Anderson. Row Four-A,~ 2.n'''s_ Evelyn Eun., ;\h~ V... Orml... Alice Bill m1". M••y Ell.n O.ly, I); • ..., 0 ...,•• &"1 8o"ey. Ch••I.nt ROth, Ida .. ne Schrci~r, La R~ Ncwbtuy, l>h,,1u S..., IXm~y. Myrtl.. Willi.nu.on. Row Fi....-JUnM lve Carol RriCMrt. Aljnn Wick borg. Shirley unz. Tht...... Mu,hiac'n. Eli" Jo!>mon, M"y Gild".oy, J~d;" Lu",•• l..,nr Wat, Judy An:hih.ld. J~n Willm•. Il.rn"" 'I'.igllt.


Phi Eto Sigmo Freshman men's

scholastic honorary

Ro.... Onr--G>ry H"h ...... y. Frank Rusho. Erne" Foot<, l'el< McConn.Il, John Thornock. A. GUl<.f>on, Ern." O.... npo1l. Gcorge Fo.... ler. John Ch.pn"n, Ro .... T ....o--DoyJ Terry. G"..ld Curncs. O..... i,," Griffilh. Bill WiI",n, John Ei.inger, Bill S'",·o", Tom Eddy. Al Andrr ..... Jim Shum.ke., Ron Purvi.ner. J.ek Liul •. Ro.... Thr..-Sam Dorch"u•. Il.ichrd p.lrroon, Wihon Rillllers. Doug S«ly, Doug 1l.."d.lI, Rill Cooke, John 1·loch. Ro.... l.nd Frio. G. Bi".....g. AIl"n J""Kn. Fr"d Morse.



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