1955 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 53 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 291


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O"N'I-I-'O"'. G~nn« ROII.a.... O"V£NrQIlT, 1.1.1>0 blh SoNYA O...'IE'I'. Kell<>g& F'UL'IE O 'D:K>N. Ogden, Uuh O"UI 0 ,,;5. Spok...e, ,«,•• h. los DAv,s, Mer'Ji.n

Dos D .... 's. I ilet H,"OLD 01 H"v>:,.., S.....,... urr \t ....,..'" Oo:cKAY.BbcHoo< Joo"" D•.L.. :H. It-w;,ton PAT 0, LANEY, Top!",ni,h, WOlh. RAMOS" 0.;", .. ,:<(;•• ,




O. ",SO .. , Cn'grt>On,

II I), Wn..... M""cow

G"'U"""UN S,NeH O"n.l.OS,






SUUNNH 001.1'1111'1, Twin


ROKI kT OONNI "''''IIlTH. Cotur d'Alene


SAM Dou"" us. A,hlOn M...e ........ O.""H, fOri H.II III.ny D"I.Gs,f., Spobn<, W•• h. M ... ,,,,.. OU5<:Ol.L,


BUD DUFFY, Buh! TONY DUM"........ W.II.,,<

JIM DUNCAN, Poyen" ;\tAU DUNN, Bo;..,

RON DUNN, Mmcow P"UL DUTSON, It-wi• .,ilIc

W .. LUCIE E....LE, Sandpoint

0,,,:0: EATOS. Wrndell

!,,,,Ul' Eo......"'. Oi....ich


l:o:;c;u:noN, SJfrord, Ari~.

MON'C" F.U:OCK, Twin 1'.11, F..N'ST F.UI:N'I"OOD, Koook" \\'"...,..... E"'AC'O. W.I..u 1-1,1.1 01 h,p"y, Id.ho 1'.11,

D...., E...·,"'. I-I,,~burn DON FA.A(.A, 5pok.n<, \\:r .. I>. l.AUY l"I.,.ow'. Milton, Or•. LI.Roy F....TOtu, K;mMrl~ An F•.oyo, Twin II, hOYD. Boi..



D.ca Fonn, N.... Mndow, }o C ..O.. fou<:lt, Bot.. LAU.II 1'0..·..1;., BoU. Ru"oN FUNOSLN, sn.U.y C .....u;.s l. h'£<I, 8<... rly Hillo, Colif. P"'-LY }o hOSTt:N'ION, f.ir6.1d

} ..... u G.. -.ou..., H..,*", I'''UL G..... t;rr, uwiJlon Ihu: GAS"'''L, Ck..... nd. Ohio I).. LI: GI:"UD.t;.. U, Bl.n.h.rd CUNYON Gucu. ConI. d'Ak""

I). an...... G. Nny. W" ...r

5"".ON G SA'..... G,

'N. Pul1m.n, w..h. lI.,. R.dding, Calif.

SUI) GU'WN. St. "'hriO'S LUIII G'LL, Id.ho F.lb T'.D GII.Lhrr~. O<c1o

G, 0 ..." G'TY'NS. McC.rnm"n

Go, on,n". ~ur d·"I.n. MONA GoooII'A.TUU, Lubbock. Tn.. Gu NOA G.... DT. 1'.lou... ,«I•• h. TOM G.. M "'LLU, Spri~6.ld, Ill, IOu .... G .... Y, N.mp. VUN G.... T, M...



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