1948 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 46 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 245

Pat Colvard, society editor, recorded campus social events for the Arg and Day Editor Jim Spoerhase wrote everything from 8-column banners to threeline fillers (above). Rewrite Editor Olevia Smith and Feature Editor Newt Cutler, upper right, often missed meals as they cleared last-minute stories before the deadline. Staff members made many an error but Night Editor Lee Bath and Proofreaders Sally Norris and Warren Johnson spotted and corrected most of them. Moscow business men came to know Del Klaus well as he contacted them for Arg advertisements. Bonnie Miller, as circulation manager, took charge of the deliveries. At lower right, Sports Editor Harry Howard, with familiar pipe, made accurate predictions in his column, helped Vandal teams, gave his readers better sports news, aided by Allan Derr and John Martin. Ted Cowin, holding picture, produced many newsworthy photos. In her key position as news editor, Geneva Ferguson, below, never let the paper down. Her sense of humor was missed when she retired at first semester's end after four years of untiring Arg work. Also pictured below, Maurice Paulsen held the assistant news editor's post besides his position as Blot's editor.

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