1948 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 46 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 192

Zeta chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, ac tive for twenty years on the Idaho campus, selects its members on the basis of scholarship, leadership, personality, and interest in home economics. An outstanding activity of this honorary was the making of wreaths for hospital trays. Members hold a reception each year for alumnae, faculty members, and new students. Marion Eisenhauer presidented the honorary and other officers were Shirley Oakley, vicepresident; Pauline Schaplowsky, secretary, and Vivian Tarbet Owens, treasurer.

Firs t row: M~rq~ret Ande rson. P~uline Schaplowsky. Marion Eisenh~uer, Shirley Oakley, Vivian Owens. Wondo Me rz ... S..Cond row路 June Dav1es, Cl~1re Jerqensen. Jeanne Hofmann, Olivine Ritc hie , Myrno Luther.


Upsilon Omicron

Sipma A/pita Jota

At plano: Polly Howard and Joan Wittman . . . Standing. Lois Stone, Louise Miller, Elolne Androes, Betty Tellln, Helen Ric e, Sidney Buchanon, Gwen Wallman, Mary Ioeper, Yvonne Whiting, Barb4ra Mariner, Dorothy Tilbury.

This national professional music fraternity for women has as its aim the promotion of a greater understD,nding between music students and furthering the development of music in the United 'States. During the year, freshmen music students are entertained at a tea. The group also sponsors, with Phi Mu Alpha, men's music honorary, the Song Fest held each year on Mother's Day. Polly Howard was president, assisted by Joan Wittman, vice-president; Mary Jasper, treasurer; Dorothy Tilbury, secretary, and Yvonne Whiting, chaplain.


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