1948 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 46 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 125

Klink, Georqo F., Burley Kinnison, Froncea D., Howell Kt nsey, Henry A .. Shochone Ktrk, Wtlllom A., McOtll

Klink, Gerald E.. Burley Kneole, Anile 1., Tekoo. Woahlngton Kornher, Helen L., Gooding Kramer, Richard B., Opportunity, Wosh.

Kromer, Robert J., Spokono, WGshlnqton Kromer, Douqloo D., Gooding Krier, )esslco H.. Moscow LaFrenz, John R., Coeur d'Alene

Lenior, lrvong, Renton, Woshonqton Laragon, Morcey M., Hoqermon lorqent, Deon E.. Sondpotnt Larqent, Harold W., Sondpoint

Laroon, Gene F., Coeur d'Alene Larson, Lawrence W., Merodion Laurent, Thomas H., Atlonto, Georgie Leo, George D., St. Poul, Minnesoto

Leeper, Robert D., Lewialon Leln, John N., Spokone, Washington Leonard, Robert 1.. Casper, Wyominq Lepok. Joseph W .. Weiser

Leuschel, Betty F., Lewoaton Lewla. Jock P., Spokane, Woshington lJndstrom, Jeanne K., Lewisville l..innenl:.amp, John R., Hasper, Iowa

laying the groundwork for holding executive positions. 121

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