1947 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 45 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 217



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Junior I'flr..;/)' blrsketb.. 1f ""ulu/. III1f'k row: SIc" .. ndk... c<H'c1,: Clf''''' GII"I,m,,,,, J,u:k Ir"flt..·.·, Cliff ",.,,11, T.. ,," ,1I.,ore, GeorJ.l1f' "lur"lI. Ridwrd T,w,'''. Jerry IlQurl•.,ul. ISflIu: MdJOlIl!flll, IIIf"Hl~t'r . . . ""o"t N'If" Cellf" ."ull,,.soll. Ed ,.",.... ,ls,,"_ }o, ""i/comb. lIil1 lii",e"". let.". ("lIpll.;,,: G,.,r/.le Wallarif'. T ..... ,He..di..I... CP"1f' Rod ...ell

Junior Val'sity Under Ihe skillful leadership of Sle\'C Uelko, Ihe Vandal Bahe cagers stancd 810\\ I) bUI made Meadr progrC5ii ill I)OSIing a season"s record of - \ell ,ictoriell

against five defeaU. L.ike their higger varsit) brolhers. the Ja) 'ees found the going rough againsl Washinglon Stale as the Cougar Kitlens "axed them four conseeuli\e limes. Tile Idallo )'enrlings capt ured 1."0 games eaeh frOill the \loseow AII-Slars, Palouse lo"n tealll. and Norlh ](Iallo junior col· lege. and sJ'lit "ilh the sirong Coeur d'Alene \1I·Stars.

T ... m MelHliofll fil!',I .• for tl,e reboulHl oj


Norllt Id,,11O

JUII;.,,. College ,,11f)' u·I,i/e Riff f.,"mer" llIull)i('h ,.'ike ....;ail

I/e"eIQfJ"'ell u.

Bill Eimers. a junior guard o( \·ar8.ilr caliber. was Ihe spark plug (or Ihe Jar\Ces although Belko came up wilh numerous other prospeCIS (or future "arsit)' play.

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