1947 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 45 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 171

NROTC 1.1,. ). L. Wilillil/c, ",."i"'''''''l~roJcs"orof N"L'"f Sci • •mcc, .~/lOws l.rfli'lcCS Trlll/Hlt. Iflc; "lid )01." 1', Nidwl"" " disl"".Y oj "",,)' ""101.'1 ill a,e oj UW '''W)' bllildillg. The I<:ork """. dOlle b,Y men 11u! "'"rrug,, t "" 1'111 t"uc (111,1 Wfl.~ gi"ClI 1.0 a l e " II; to ',ere IV""" 1.1'1' bmw ,,·"s .Iecom mis.• iolled.



Duri,,/! Uleji,."" yen,. Ir"ineml ,,'-'HI)' se""""l"";",


'Ull"" mi"islrfltioll. (lI,d "",;<" ';0'" "'" "'C"'.i...." j1l II C{"'INN",m fH/Uil'IJCf' u;; d, I."c I" I.e.• /. "tmtl.1I .. "d !ruining "ids. Ad".....ced u;ork cocer" fire cO"',rol, I'IIgineering ,"ltl 'HH,ig"t.iQII.

en,)" ftlorrill ,,,,,I Willi"", Ilr;gg" I.esl. Ow code recorder in fl tflb period. Tile ;"st,,.,, m,,11 t, ",ill/,I,,)' back ,'lor••" cotle ale .• '.udell/.s I.NI"""';'. ""d i.~ ".. Iuublefor l.e,It;"i,,!! .~e"di"g llllll recei"i"g.


Capl.. S. II. A",br""ter, eO"'''''"Hlillg officcr of tile delllo""'.ra',c,, U,e Sallga",o "''/-lIck '.e"cher 1-0 I,r"i"ee $I.""le)" TlI"t1er. T/,c ",ae/,i"e i" a cO,lIplicul.cd "",/erll'al.er .~o"n" device for de'.eel,i"l{ ""b",,,ri,,e,,. A"OI.I.er i""'_ru,,,e,,'. in 1111 fI,/joi"ing roo", pl";r" O.e pori. of U,e "ub",ari"e.


C/lflr/es W. Eriekso", be/o";, ge's 1.I.e feci of a 40 m",. '"Hi-f1ircrufl. gu" ill a Ir"i"i,,!! "essio" 1.0 IJrep'''e I.i", for flll.llre dul,ic" liS II "aval officer. ClI"'.~roo", ',rui"i"l{ it< ''''I',Jle",e"l.ed b)" ,Jrllcl,;eal eX/lerie"c.! during 'ligill-u'",,/" """,,,,er crni"es.

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