1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 288



B.S. (Duo.); Downey Jli1h School: Univer•ity of I daho. Southern OranC"h! t..D .S. ln~tilllte: lliJheot ll onor• 34: ll i1b H onors 2: Lambda Ddta Si1mo: lnter-Chur<h Council 3-4: AI· pha Kat)Jlft Pfti, Award 3, Treaeurer 4.

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B.A.: K imberly ll i1h School: Colorado Women'• Colle••· Denver. Colorado: H ay8 H all: lli1heot ll onoro 3•l: K•t>t>a Phi: Vandaleero; Unhtrllil) Sinaf'rll: Trthlt Clef Club.

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B.S.(F.Ier.E.): Nt•t>erce lli•h Sch ool: Lind ley lloll : Si.noo ' l'ou: A.I.F:.F..; Aoooeiated J.~n1inet>rl'. Prf'~itlt nl 4. Secretary 3; Si1ma T nu. l>rt"Piidtn e 4.

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D.S. ( II .Er.): Grant lli1h School. P ortland. Ore.: l nivt"r~ity of I daho. Southern Bra nch; II •>• H all: l>hi l P"ilon Omicron: ll ome Ec Club; "".A.A.: ~oman·.- ·· 1 ~' Club.

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ll.S.( lluo.); K endriek llikh Sehoul: Tnu Kappa Epflilon; Major " I" Club~ Minor " I" C luh: Munog•r•' Clnh l -2-3-4; Football Manog-. l -2-~-4.

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~~s~~;~; l\ !~~~a :l!!.1~~~~t':io~:~:~·f.i': PreAident 2: Cantf'rbury Socitl); Taps a nd





O.S.; Notre On me o( Marylund lligh School. Dnhimore. Muryl,wd: Notre D ame or Mary· land College: ll olr Nunoeo College; Hays llulh Kuppo J)hi ; l Jni ver,ily S ingcrtJ.


O.S. (Geol.) : Hollywood Higb School. Loo An~tles~ California~ Univers!ty o( California at Loo An~elea; Id aho Club; Aooociat•d Miner8 2.3-4: ~1i oor u l .. Club; T~nniK 34; Chairman Mucker8 Ball 3.

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ll.S.( For.) : T .. in Falla High School.


O.S.(For.): Tuule High School: l ndet>endent Comwil: Co-op llu>·er; D ebate 1-2-3. Mann¥er 4; Asf'Miated Foresters.

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D.S.( Buo.) : R upert Ri1h School; Chri•rnan Ball; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Alpha Delta; Bench and Bar: Major "l" Club; Gem 1.2.


B.A.; Moscow l:ligh Sch ool; D elta Gamma; lligheot llonor o 1-2-3: Phi Beta K a t>t>n; Al p h a Lambda Delta; Un lve r eity Singerat Westminster Gu ild; 1_"aps and ·ren)s.

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B.A.; Spokane. Waohin~ton lligh School; Als>ha Phi; Hi1h Honora I. 4; Alpha Lambda Deha: Udl Dhere.

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ll.S. ( Ouo.) ; Le" is and C lark Hig h School. S 1>okane, Wa8hington; University of M on. tuna; Sigma Nu; Sil ver T.anee; Blue Key. PreRident; Alpha Kappa P si; PreAfl Club; English Club: Class Treasurer 1; Blue Bucket l-2-3; Gem J.2; Argonaut 1·2-3; Chairman Sot>homore llolly Day.

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