1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 28

Don llol fler , 1Pay 11P Robin:;o11 , hPrma.n King, K ei th Whitley, Charlf'x Ohn"t:;, /Jurns Newby, Ray Uig by, V(>rl Law, /Jru ce j ep so11. Uobert Kormo11 , l~rPd }ohn:;on , Corllon Fos ter, U 01w lcl Robin:;on, Jl1tu路l' KPnnittg ton, LoRue Gilbert, Bill K err, }ark B owman , jo ck /Jerry, Fre d Jl1eech. Vince nt Na lly, Way ne R echlecof)/J, fxel K anne;taurd, Joe Cordon , Joll11 Steile, Etc/on Brou:n , Duau e To y /or, R obf'rt O 'Connor, Ro.~.~ ,l1oser , R obert Da t:ill, /lorry Whitenwn , Fronk lly k e.

Capt. Allen FoMf'r, Jl1elvin Ri;tdon, G e ne Bas.~f'll , Ric hord Campfrtw , Jeon Milor, Lt. John f.'. Lukens. CaJJL. /Jertuutl l'o ller, Secotul lA . . fc/jiL Lant William j . lloye:;, Lt. Col. Cody C. Robe rtSoll , .ll as t er gt. Cliff Thoma s, Seco nd Lt. Clwrles W. S u:eetu:ood.


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