1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 276

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U.S. ( t'or. ); O•h~o•h lli@h School, O&hkosh. \\ iM"Onf'in; 01'hko•t. State TeaehtrA Collt:8Ct Idaho 1°'ore"tt'r: Chuirman o( Exbibilf!l Com .. miue~. Fore.-tr) Week J..


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U.S.; Le .. iMton ll iJh Srhuol: Le"ioton State "o!mah C_hrittrnan II all: lli«beet H onorA 3-4; Pho. Bet a "-•1•1•• 1: D~lt• Sis no a Rl10 4: Inter· nattoru.l ltdutionto~ J .. J.; Debate 3-4.

Cr•.\RM J•'r NCII ll.S. ( IIu•.Eol.); Boi•e lli~h Srhool; D elta Gu uumi; Svur: A. W.S. Couucil34; Gem l·2; Argonnut J -2; Weal rnineter Guild 1-2·3.


lh;rr, Jo'''•


ll.S.( \I u•.)• 1\ompo lli~h School; Colle~e u£ I daho: II a> • 1.!•11: lli•l•e•t Honors 2: H i1h llonortl 1. 3: ~~~rna Al1>ha Iota 3-J.; Alumni Sec-retar> t: ~t"ntintl Club: l_;nivt"r..it) Strin8 Trio 1: \ onolale~r• 34: TreLie Clef 3: C.,. Chairman In' itation~ for Junior \l"eeL.: CoChairman I n' itationf4 (or Senior B all.

ll,utiiiHTT Ji'I,.\TII tl,ltS

ltA:t Prt8('0ll, Wu8hington. lli gh St·hool; Wlut rnnn College; II oy& llnll ; H o rn e Ec C luh.


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11.. \.; Sa~ramento. California. ll iJh School· Kappa Si~ma: S<"abbarc.l •nd Blade; Perf'bini ltifl~A; Oencb and Uar: \I inor Sports Letter.

l>rd~-''(~t-: FI.O U ill\C.>\ l+'ltAN"'LIN B .S.(A~r.);

1\leridiou ll i~h Srho.,l: l'hi Gam. "'" D elta: lli Rhc•t Honor• 1·2·3; Al1>ba Zetn, l're"idtrH 4; A~ Cl uh ; Chuirrnuu. Llulc l nterruuionol AK Show: ld aho l{epresentative, North wrAt Conferen ce c-( Ag Club.,.



B.S.(H .Ec.); Roiee Hi8h Srhool; RidenbauJh llall; llome .Ec C lub; University Singtr"; L.S.A.

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B.S. (£d.): 0 8den U i~h School, ORMn. t tah: Alpha Phi; Spur 2; Yaodaleers 1-2·3- 1; Ar8o· nau t 2-3; Taps and T eq)8 2.

Nolt.MA N L. tJ NCH

IJ.S.(Mech.E.): Coeur d'Alene lliKio Stloool · Lindley llall ; Sig ma Tau; A.S.M.K; A••oci: ated .Engineers; Chairman A.S.M.l~.; Lind · ley II all, Treasurer 3; En«inecrp,' Council 4.

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J!.S.(ll.Ec.); P ost Falls ll i8h Sehool; Home F.e Club 1-2-34; W .A.A. 1-2.




ll .S.(Eicc.E.): Cottonwood Hi gh Sdoool; Wil· r..s ~weet l::l a ll ; Sigruu Tau , llistorin n 4; A. I. 1~. 1~ .• Stu d ent. Branch, 1-2-3-4; At~)J.()<'iutect l•:ngiueerA 1-2·3·4; r ntercburch Coun('i) 3· ' ll.adio Club 1·2; Idaho Engineer 4.


A. FosTsR B.S.( Bus.): Coeur d' .\lene ll i1h Srhool; Chrioman HaU: ~fajor " I " Club; \uic Club· Co-Chairman J unior Wult T icL.et Commit: tee 3: BasebaU 1-2·3: Ba•ketball J.2.J· "I" Cluh; Preoident Cbriomao Dall 4. '

P8RRY FULL ll.S.(Geoi. J; Greoham, Ore1on.


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