1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 259


. W . . councillors from each girls' house a nd hall meet trains a nd busses

bringing new girls to the campus in the fall ; assis t freshmen a nd new s tude nts in becoming acquain ted with the grounds, buildings, professors, and other s tudent s; help the "greenies" arrange their schedules; a nd, in ge nera l, "show the m th e r opes." Councillors are s tationed at vario us point s a ro und the ca mpus to g uide and direct the neoph y tes. The annua l A.W.S. Carnival attracts crowds front Pullman and M oscow as well as ldaho s tude nts. Each fraternity a nd m e n's ha ll no minates its ca ndidate for carnival queen, who is elec ted by the m erry-ma kers. Ca mpus honoraries a nd ser vice or ganizations sponsor booths, with a ll proceeds going to the . W . . , which, cooperating with t he U ni vers ity's a ll-o ut-fo r-defe nse program, this year dona ted its proceeds to the R ed Cross. ~ o men's acti vities end on ~lay Day with the crO\\ning of the e lected ~ I a y Queen, the a ll -campus songfest, t a pping of me mbers by honor aries, a nd

the colo rful \1a ypole dance by Spurs.

!Je tty H ole, Dori s joh11 son, ~fury Fran M l,rs lw ll, Catherine JlfcCregor, /Jell y , lrm s tron g, Catlt erine S t over, Jlfary Tluus ton, ~fnry Elizab e th Scott, ~1iriatn Jl1uier, Jl1avis r hue pbac h , Lncy Adele Dilling ham, ju s till f' Sm ith, Pauline fla w ley Macy Matt, Vern NPII )tunes, Elinore Finch, Chris Fnvre, lle le 11 Cnmpb PII, ~1argaret T omlinson, Marcin Kimble, Vi r;.rinia Young, Marjo rie Thom,p s on


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