1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 254

GR ADUATE \ s lo ng as GALE M1x can keep t he bottle of red ink on the s helf, things run sm oo thly around his offi ces in the S tudent U nion building. As graduate m a nager, he cont rols t he expense accou nts of all university activities, a nd gracefully dodges the inev itable wrath of unsweate rcd a thl e t es, a mbiti o u s c l ass officers, a nd as c rnhly c ha irmen planning the " biggest s how in yca•·s." Siuee taking "Cap" H or ton's place in 1939, Ga le has seen the add itio n to tbe niversit y of te n new de pa•·trncnts, and has sung the glories of Id aho to loca l cha mbers of commerce up and down the s tate. Jl e fondl y hopes th at the minor s ports pro~ram which he has mothered will so me da) find its rightful place in the Ida ho sun. But \\ i th o ne eye on that bottle of red ink. he sit s, a nd chews his cigar, a nd wonders . Perr) C ulp, Jr. , b eca m e ac tin g grad u a t e m anager "he n \ I ix traded his blue serge suit and cigar for an arm y unifo rm.

To s taffmc n o n Tu~; A nco AUT and TnE GEM, "OPC" s tands fot· Office of PEHHY C LP, hub of the wheel of Idaho publicity. Fro m hi s com er of the s tude nt union building ne ws. pho tos, and ca mpus gossip radiate to newspapers thro ugho ut the s ta le a nd the northwest, telling home-town fo lks ''hat's doin g "up at 1da ho." As A t; I pu blicil) m a n, C ulp supervises the publication of the Fresh man ll andhook. foo tball programs, drama and concert progra ms, a nd has a wor d Lo say about gener a l Argonaut a nd Gem pol iC). Tribute to the success of ne,, s-plugging e nterprises may be seen on the walls of his offi ce, cluttered \\ith Id aho news clipped fro m papers across the far reaches o f the country.


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