1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 249


'Because of the a gility "i th '' hic h tall, ang ular J. F. M E E:-IGER perfo rms his j ob as dean of the school of educa tion, aspiring pedagogu es from a dozen s ta les each year come to Idaho for essentia l pointers on t eaching. i\l os t freshme n, in all departments, read his " Art of Going to College," and uni versities thro ug ho ut the country use his " His tory of Edutation."

Des pite a doctor's degr ee from Yale U niversity, Dean DwiGHT J EFFERS is a fores ter, and respected as s uch among Paul Bunyans in t he school of forestry. Because of its comprehensive forestry trai ning prog ram, Idaho is top-rate in the nation, and a mecca for would-be foresters from ~1 aine Lo California. Eac h summer, D ean J effers Lakes his men to Payette lakes, where they pul Lo practica l use the notes they took in \I oscow c lassrooms.

While D ean A.~ . l~A IIRE N "ALD followed the go\ e rnment's call this year to California and e w York , the school of mjnes, a lways importa nt to a milling s tate, became vital to the nation. }<'or turning out co mpetent mine ralogis ts ldaho's school is fortunate, because D ea n Faluenwald is considered throughout the West as an expert in hi s field.

E.]. Jooi c s, dean of Lht college of agric ulture, this season fini shed m ore than a quarter-century of teaching Idaho aggies the fundamentals of crop production, farm mana ge m e n l , ment, and other a gricultural " mus ts." Before se ttling at Idaho, he shipped off to Europe on a ealtlc s te amer a nd journeyed up and down the continen t s tud ying farmin g con di tions in 16 coun tries.


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